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Monday, September 01, 2008

FlyLady Challenge

I am a busy mom....I am always on the go. Sometimes my house isn't the cleanest, my dishwasher doesn't get unloaded right away. Sometimes I don't get the laundry folded and put away right away... okay, who am I kidding. right away? sometimes it doesn't get put away at all, sometimes it takes me awhile to sort through my stacks upon stacks of magazines for some reason I keep, thinking that someday I will have time to read them. My office is probably the worst of my problems. The door is always closed so no-one can see my mess. It is so bad that only I can find things buried beneath the clutter. Okay, I admit it.. I need domestic help!

I was out for dessert with friends a few weeks ago when my friend Denise (mom of 4 that has it totally together) mentioned The FlyLady Method of organizing and de-cluttering your life.I asked a few questions and found out that FlyLady is a totally FREE website with tips on how to organize & de-clutter your life... Where do I sign up? When I got home I ran to my office and looked up the site. I loved it! I am totally motivated now.

So... today is September 1st and today is The Chester County Moms Blogging Teams 1st day of following the FlyLady "Baby Steps".

Step 1: Go Shine Your Sink!
After you do this; you will keep it shiny by drying it out after each time you use it and making sure when you go to bed that it is shining so it will make you smile in the morning. That shiny sink is a reflection of the love that you have for yourself.

The FlyLady system is all about establishing little habits that string together into simple routines to help your day run on automatic pilot. You can do this!

We are going to chart our progress daily and hope you will join us in the FlyLady 30day Challenge. Post pictures, leave comments.. we want to hear how you are doing.


Dawn said...

I have also started the flylady system. I sometimes need to be reminded that I do not need to be perfect and clean everything in one day...small steps to get it right ;)

Denise said...

Thanks for the shout out Sarah - I do LOVE the fly lady - I especially like that she tells you over and over that the house or mess didn't happen in a day so therefore we shouldn't feel that it needs to get all cleaned up in a day - baby steps - and yes I do LOVE A SHINY SINK IN THE A.M. Good luck to all - I have been instituting the 27 fling boogie on a regular basis in my house - feels good!